Lesser Known Potent Transits~ 10 Jun 2014

Currently we are dealing with a trinity of lesser-known transiting influences that if applied contain the potential to unleash extremely positive real world manifestations.

First, the dwarf planet Haumea, now retrograde in Libra, presently inches back toward two former asteroids, now dwarf planets, Ceres and Vesta. Light the spark; ignite the fires in the furnace of your unlimited creativity urges Vesta. Advocate for the application of your unlimited skills and talents for which you hold a burning passion insists Ceres. Between now and July 16th, Mars in Libra advances in longitude to engage Haumea, Ceres and Vesta, activating the internally stirring essence of each of these dwarf planets .

This is big stuff for creativity. Here lies the trigger to boldly assert ones true talents and passions into the outer world. The burning yearning to ensure all your inner gifts boil over stands present and accounted for. Advocate for yourself, your talents, your skills and do not hesitate when it comes to rendering your best. Given Ceres is involved, perhaps advocacy for the arts becomes an issue. While funding cuts to the arts, museums, cultural activities, creative writing programs and the lot seem to be easier to justify to bean counters than sciences and sports, someone has to remind those cost-cutting folks that without culture, refinement and consciousness, humankind is... well, not so kind and certainly not humanistic.

The centaur Elatus, transiting Virgo, sequentially steps toward an opposition to Chiron in Pisces. Given Chiron’s upcoming retrogradation, this opposition culminates over the next weeks, becoming a notable part of the transit play at hand. This opposition is particularly important if one considers the unfortunate mythic accounting of a tragic incident involving Elatus and Chiron.

When Hercules had to repel a wave of scent-intoxicated centaurs away from the cave of Pholus to preserve the sacred wine that he and Pholus opened in a non ceremonial manner, Hercules cast quiver upon quiver of arrows at the onslaught of centaurs. Many were killed in the infamous debacle. Chiron, wise enough to stand out of the fray, was unintentionally hit in the foot, ankle, shin, knee, thigh, by an arrow defected through the body of Elatus, who just so happened to be at the wrong place, wrong time, at least in terms of Chironic outcomes. In the “oh, by the way” category, Hercules shot arrows tainted with a lethal poison that Chiron had concocted. Being immortal, the poison would not kill Chiron, and thus began his life of pain.

As much as there’s an advocacy energy inspired by the Mars to Ceres conjunction on or about July 12th, Elatus and Chiron oppose in the same time frame. Elatus, as a result of being the go-between does represent the element of meddling. If two guys are fighting over a sports bet in a bar and a third party attempts to break them up, the drunken, misguided punches might accidentally find a target. Bad example? When does one advocate for those without a voice? When is constructive criticism or divinely inspired guidance rendered by one to another unwilling to take in such input, objectively considered to be a good thing or a bad thing?

Another way of considering this pattern is to stay out of unnecessary crossfire in situations in which one has no ability to do good. Stepping in between warring parties, without a means of personal defense, or an immediately viable alternative may cause injury. Does that mean one should not try this at home and leave it to the trained professionals? Does that mean one should intervene or be wary of intervening?

How should one regard the friend who comes up a person undergoing the internal processes of Saturn and Pluto and other life-changing transits to remind that person in transformation to “remember to love themself? Is that person a helpful life coach, hired or not; or is that person simply an annoying pain in the ass?

With Chiron in Pisces, each instance is singular and of its own merit. With Elatus in Virgo, each case presents a judgment call for which arguments can be offered to support opposing claims. For each individual the question is: Can I do any good, evolution or improvement with my involvement? If yes, proceed. If no, get the hell out of the crossfire and no person’s land. Retreat to reclaim a better fit for your impact upon the planet.

Lest we forget, in a few short days, Jupiter in Cancer forms a square to Eris in Aries. The potential for advancement in perception of collective and global insights that evolve is huge. The hope that this pattern can shift mundane events into progressive events is warranted.

In fact, this aspect may further clarify involvement in the Elatus-Chiron opposition.

Ultimately, Eris despises exclusion. If excluded, she’ll find a way to claw her way into the circle that shuns her presence, whether she really wants/needs to be within that circle or not. As Chiron would be quick to point out, “don’t get shot in the foot, ankle, shin, knee or thigh, especially by yourself.” If feeling shut out, get centered within yourself. Ask, “does it matter?” If it matters, perform all aspects that contribute to acceptance, approval or being included. If it doesn’t matter, go find something else that is soul-fulfilling to pursue.

The Eris-Jupiter square reminds us all to release any and all attachment (or addiction) to status, success or economic accomplishment as a means of self approval. Find your personal Goldilocks zone. Not too much, not too little on the life involvement, social status, money fronts. Find the spot that renders you content, then navigate from within the perimeters of that zone.

Here’s another thing. Put another spin on any consternating concern. For any situation causing inner angst, find a different point of view. In screenwriting, if a writer cannot make the happy ending happen from the hero’s or heroine’s perspective, the guidance is often to see it from the antagonist’s perspective. Why do this?

Back in the day, Jupiter became disgruntled with a political outcome in the land of Mycenae. Since he was god of the gods, he was inclined to create a result to his liking. Long story short, he dispatched Mercury to ask the leader of the land if he would surrender his throne should the Sun rise in the west. Since that would never happen, the deal seemed to be a no-brainer. Upon agreement from Mycenae’s head of state, Jupiter enlisted the aid of the discordant, disruptive Eris to assist in reversing the order of the solar system. In the interest of perspective, and correcting a political wrong, the Sun and Moon rose in the west. The stars reversed their course in the heavens, and in reaction, the Pleiades wept.

Here’s the deal. In these next days the energy is there to reverse whatever perspectives of “the way it will always be,” “this always happens when I do this,” or “the forces are against it/me,” that exist within ones consciousness. Upon a new perspective, it is essential that new action immediately be taken to support the new momentum and to keep it going. Or as it is often said these days, “pay if forward.” When you shift, encourage others to shift. When you engage with new perspectives, point out the way for others you encounter and let them take their own next step(s).

Following this potentially remarkable shift, perspective returns in the category of “picking ones battles” and locating a way to make a difference that suits ones skill set and reason for incarnating.

And within that, the urge to follow inner creative stirring rises, inspiring unabated use of all talents and skills.

Fecund is the time. Fortunate are those who receive the favor of fecundity. Yes, it is a matter of shifting perspectives first. After one shifts, engage the situations of life. Put forward high quality, best efforts. Assert all attributes. Then, the key becomes turning to receptivity, such that when opportunity and favorable results arrive, they can be graciously accepted.

More soon.